Mon extension vscode de snippets Ansible
Suite à l’annonce du projet Wisdom de Redhat, je me suis fait la réflexion que pour le moment une simple extension vscode de snippets avec des phrases en langage naturel apporterait presque le même résultat.
Il y a quelques mois, je vous expliquais comment écrire vos propres snippets vscode, il manquait juste la phase de publication sur le marketplace vscode. C’est donc chose faite !
Développement de l’extension
Des snippets, j’en possédais quelques-un sur les taches ansible les plus
courantes. Mais avant de les proposer, je me dois d’en valider le contenu avec
et spotter
. Pour rappel spotter
propose plus de tips pour
améliorer la qualité de votre code ansible. Il propose par exemple d’ajouter
toutes les options de type booléens qui sont apparues au fil des releases.
Autre règle respecter l’utilisation des FQCN : le chemin complet du module.
Pour améliorer les options des modules :
- j’utilise les exemples ou les valeurs par défaut de la documentation. Si
aucun n’est proposé j’an ajoute. Ex ci-dessous
path: /tmp/test
. - j’utilise les listes de choix si elles sont présentes. Exemple ci-dessous
: absent ou file ou directory ou … - comme les snippets sont générés à partir de la documentation ansible et les options n’ont pas un status permettant qu’il est courament utilisé j’ai ajouté un fichier de configuration apportant cette feature. Pour le moment j’ai traité deux des 950 snippets de cette extension.
Un exemple avec le module file
- name: Description # Comment ansible.builtin.file: follow: true group: group mode: "0755" owner: user path: /tmp/test recurse: false state: absent unsafe_writes: false
En plus des snippets
, je vais également ajouter quelques patterns
comme l’utilisation
de with_first_found
lors de l’inclusion de variables dépendantes de la distribution.
---# Description- name: Description of playbook hosts: all gather_facts: true vars: key: value # Uncomment next lines to use with include_vars ansible_distro: "{{ ansible_distribution | lower | replace('\"', '') }}" ansible_distro_version: "{{ ansible_distribution_version | lower | replace('/', '_') }}" ansible_distro_release: "{{ ansible_distribution_release | lower }}" ansible_distro_major_version: "{{ ansible_distribution_major_version | lower | replace('/', '_') }}" tasks: - name: Add os specific variables ansible.builtin.include_vars: "{{ loop_vars }}" loop: "{{ query('ansible.builtin.first_found', params) }}" vars: params: files: - "{{ ansible_distro }}-{{ ansible_distro_version }}.yml" - "{{ ansible_distro }}-{{ ansible_distro_release }}.yml" - "{{ ansible_distro }}-{{ ansible_distro_major_version }}.yml" - "{{ ansible_distro }}.yml" - "{{ ansible_os_family | lower }}-family.yml" - "{{ ansible_system | lower }}.yml" paths: - "vars" skip: true
Ce pattern permet de créer des fichiers de variables en fonction de soit la distribution, soit de sa famille ou encore de son type :
Pour ce cas, il suffit de créer des fichiers de variables dans le répertoire
. Un cas d’usage courant, l’installation de packages dont les noms varient
en fonction de la distribution.
Utilisation de l’extension
Ce gif permet de comprendre comment fonctionne l’extension.
<img src=“”alt=“Vscode ↗ extension” />
Pour insérer le header d’un playbook vous avez juste à taper playbook
Vous verrez deux snippets :
- un proposant l’entête avec l’inclusion des variables ;
- un basique ;
Pour changer de paramètres, il suffit d’utiliser la touche tabulation. Lorsqu’un paramètre est de type booléen ou de type liste, vous verrez apparaitre la liste des choix possibles. Il suffit de sélectionner la valeur voulue avec les touches vers le haut et le bas.
Comme je l’ai dit plus haut, j’ai ajouté des phrases en langage naturel pour
chacun des modules. Par exemple pour le téléchargement d’un fichier, il suffit de
taper download file
Plus loin
Pour le moment, j’ai créé 80% des snippets
de la collection ansible.builtin
celle fournie avec ansible-core
. Dans les prochaines semaines, je vais
poursuivre en continuant avec :
- les modules les plus courants de la collection
. - puis ceux de la collection
- puis … à vous de me dire ce que vous aimeriez trouver.
Vous pouvez aussi m’aider en me proposant :
- des patterns à ajouter ;
- des Pull requests sur le projet ↗ ;
L’extension se trouve ici : Ansible snippets ↗
La liste des snippets avec leur textes :
- ansible.builtin.add_host : Add a host (and alternatively a group) to the ansible-playbook in-memory inventory
- ansible.builtin.apt : Manages apt-packages
- ansible.builtin.apt_key : Add or remove an apt key
- ansible.builtin.apt_repository : Add and remove APT repositories
- ansible.builtin.assemble : Assemble configuration files from fragments
- ansible.builtin.assert : Asserts given expressions are true
- ansible.builtin.async_status : Obtain status of asynchronous task
- ansible.builtin.blockinfile : Insert/update/remove a text block surrounded by marker lines
- ansible.builtin.command : Execute commands on targets
- ansible.builtin.copy : Copy files to remote locations
- ansible.builtin.cron : Manage cron.d and crontab entries
- ansible.builtin.debconf : Configure a .deb package
- ansible.builtin.debug : Print statements during execution
- ansible.builtin.dnf : Manages packages with the I(dnf) package manager
- ansible.builtin.dpkg_selections : Dpkg package selection selections
- ansible.builtin.expect : Executes a command and responds to prompts
- : Fail with custom message
- ansible.builtin.fetch : Fetch files from remote nodes
- ansible.builtin.file : Manage files and file properties
- ansible.builtin.find : Return a list of files based on specific criteria
- ansible.builtin.setup : Gathers facts about remote hosts
- ansible.builtin.get_url : Downloads files from HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP to node
- ansible.builtin.getent : A wrapper to the unix getent utility
- ansible.builtin.git : Deploy software (or files) from git checkouts
- : Add or remove groups
- ansible.builtin.group_by : Create Ansible groups based on facts
- ansible.builtin.hostname : Manage hostname
- ansible.builtin.import_playbook : Import a playbook
- ansible.builtin.import_role : Import a role into a play
- ansible.builtin.import_tasks : Import a task list
- ansible.builtin.include_role : Load and execute a role
- ansible.builtin.include_tasks : Dynamically include a task list
- ansible.builtin.include_vars : Load variables from files, dynamically within a task
- ansible.builtin.iptables : Modify iptables rules
- ansible.builtin.known_hosts : Add or remove a host from the C(known_hosts) file
- ansible.builtin.lineinfile : Manage lines in text files
- ansible.builtin.meta : Execute Ansible ‘actions’
- ansible.builtin.package : Generic OS package manager
- ansible.builtin.package_facts : Package information as facts
- ansible.builtin.pause : Pause playbook execution
- : Try to connect to host, verify a usable python and return C(pong) on success
- ansible.builtin.pip : Manages Python library dependencies
- ansible.builtin.raw : Executes a low-down and dirty command
- ansible.builtin.reboot : Reboot a machine
- ansible.builtin.replace : Replace all instances of a particular string in a file using a back-referenced regular expression
- ansible.builtin.rpm_key : Adds or removes a gpg key from the rpm db
- ansible.builtin.script : Runs a local script on a remote node after transferring it
- ansible.builtin.service : Manage services
- ansible.builtin.service_facts : Return service state information as fact data
- ansible.builtin.set_fact : Set host variable(s) and fact(s).
- ansible.builtin.set_stats : Define and display stats for the current ansible run
- : Execute shell commands on targets
- ansible.builtin.slurp : Slurps a file from remote nodes
- ansible.builtin.stat : Retrieve file or file system status
- ansible.builtin.subversion : Deploys a subversion repository
- ansible.builtin.systemd_service : Manage systemd units
- ansible.builtin.sysvinit : Manage SysV services.
- ansible.builtin.tempfile : Creates temporary files and directories
- ansible.builtin.template : Template a file out to a target host
- ansible.builtin.unarchive : Unpacks an archive after (optionally) copying it from the local machine
- ansible.builtin.uri : Interacts with webservices
- ansible.builtin.user : Manage user accounts
- ansible.builtin.validate_argument_spec : Validate role argument specs.
- ansible.builtin.wait_for : Waits for a condition before continuing
- ansible.builtin.wait_for_connection : Waits until remote system is reachable/usable
- ansible.builtin.yum : Manages packages with the I(yum) package manager
- ansible.builtin.yum_repository : Add or remove YUM repositories
- ansible.netcommon.cli_command : Run a cli command on cli-based network devices
- ansible.netcommon.cli_config : Push text based configuration to network devices over network_cli
- ansible.netcommon.grpc_get : Fetch configuration/state data from gRPC enabled target hosts.
- ansible.netcommon.net_get : Copy a file from a network device to Ansible Controller
- ansible.netcommon.net_ping : Tests reachability using ping from a network device
- ansible.netcommon.net_put : Copy a file from Ansible Controller to a network device
- ansible.netcommon.netconf_config : netconf device configuration
- ansible.netcommon.netconf_get : Fetch configuration/state data from NETCONF enabled network devices.
- ansible.netcommon.netconf_rpc : Execute operations on NETCONF enabled network devices.
- ansible.netcommon.network_resource : Manage resource modules
- ansible.netcommon.restconf_config : Handles create, update, read and delete of configuration data on RESTCONF enabled devices.
- ansible.netcommon.restconf_get : Fetch configuration/state data from RESTCONF enabled devices.
- ansible.netcommon.telnet : Executes a low-down and dirty telnet command
- ansible.posix.acl : Set and retrieve file ACL information.
- : Schedule the execution of a command or script file via the at command
- ansible.posix.authorized_key : Adds or removes an SSH authorized key
- ansible.posix.firewalld : Manage arbitrary ports/services with firewalld
- ansible.posix.firewalld_info : Gather information about firewalld
- ansible.posix.mount : Control active and configured mount points
- ansible.posix.patch : Apply patch files using the GNU patch tool
- ansible.posix.rhel_facts : Facts module to set or override RHEL specific facts.
- ansible.posix.rhel_rpm_ostree : Ensure packages exist in a RHEL for Edge rpm-ostree based system
- ansible.posix.rpm_ostree_upgrade : Manage rpm-ostree upgrade transactions
- ansible.posix.seboolean : Toggles SELinux booleans
- ansible.posix.selinux : Change policy and state of SELinux
- ansible.posix.synchronize : A wrapper around rsync to make common tasks in your playbooks quick and easy
- ansible.posix.sysctl : Manage entries in sysctl.conf.
- : Obtain status of asynchronous task
- : Gathers facts about remote hosts
- : Slurps a file from remote nodes
- : Set file/directory/registry permissions for a system user or group
- : Change ACL inheritance
- : Manages the certificate store
- : Executes a command on a remote Windows node
- : Copies files to remote locations on windows hosts
- : Configures DNS lookup on Windows hosts
- : Ensures the existence of a Windows domain
- : Manage domain controller/member server state for a Windows host
- : Manage domain/workgroup membership for a Windows host
- : Invokes a PowerShell DSC configuration
- : Modify environment variables on windows hosts
- : Installs and uninstalls Windows Features on Windows Server
- : Creates, touches or removes files or directories
- : Return a list of files based on specific criteria
- : Downloads file from HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP to node
- : Add and remove local groups
- : Manage Windows local group membership
- : Manages local Windows computer name
- : Manage optional Windows features
- : Set owner
- : Installs/uninstalls an installable package
- : Manage Windows path environment variables
- : A windows version of the classic ping module
- : Run PowerShell scripts
- : Reboot a windows machine
- : Get information about Windows registry keys
- : Add, change, or remove registry keys and values
- : Manage and query Windows services
- : Gather information about Windows services
- : Manage Windows shares
- : Execute shell commands on target hosts
- : Get information about Windows files
- : Creates temporary files and directories
- : Template a file out to a remote server
- : Download and install Windows updates
- : Interacts with webservices
- : Manages local Windows user accounts
- : Manage Windows User Rights
- : Waits for a condition before continuing
- : Get information about the current user and process
- community.general.aerospike_migrations : Check or wait for migrations between nodes
- community.general.airbrake_deployment : Notify airbrake about app deployments
- community.general.aix_devices : Manages AIX devices
- community.general.aix_filesystem : Configure LVM and NFS file systems for AIX
- community.general.aix_inittab : Manages the inittab on AIX
- community.general.aix_lvg : Manage LVM volume groups on AIX
- community.general.aix_lvol : Configure AIX LVM logical volumes
- community.general.alerta_customer : Manage customers in Alerta
- community.general.ali_instance : Create, Start, Stop, Restart or Terminate an Instance in ECS; Add or Remove Instance to/from a Security Group
- community.general.ali_instance_info : Gather information on instances of Alibaba Cloud ECS
- community.general.alternatives : Manages alternative programs for common commands
- community.general.ansible_galaxy_install : Install Ansible roles or collections using ansible-galaxy
- community.general.apache2_mod_proxy : Set and/or get members’ attributes of an Apache httpd 2.4 mod_proxy balancer pool
- community.general.apache2_module : Enables/disables a module of the Apache2 webserver
- community.general.apk : Manages apk packages
- community.general.apt_repo : Manage APT repositories via apt-repo
- community.general.apt_rpm : APT-RPM package manager
- community.general.archive : Creates a compressed archive of one or more files or trees
- community.general.atomic_container : Manage the containers on the atomic host platform
- community.general.atomic_host : Manage the atomic host platform
- community.general.atomic_image : Manage the container images on the atomic host platform
- community.general.awall : Manage awall policies
- community.general.beadm : Manage ZFS boot environments on FreeBSD/Solaris/illumos systems
- community.general.bearychat : Send BearyChat notifications
- community.general.bigpanda : Notify BigPanda about deployments
- community.general.bitbucket_access_key : Manages Bitbucket repository access keys
- community.general.bitbucket_pipeline_key_pair : Manages Bitbucket pipeline SSH key pair
- community.general.bitbucket_pipeline_known_host : Manages Bitbucket pipeline known hosts
- community.general.bitbucket_pipeline_variable : Manages Bitbucket pipeline variables
- community.general.bower : Manage bower packages with bower
- community.general.bundler : Manage Ruby Gem dependencies with Bundler
- community.general.bzr : Deploy software (or files) from bzr branches
- community.general.campfire : Send a message to Campfire
- community.general.capabilities : Manage Linux capabilities
- community.general.cargo : Manage Rust packages with cargo
- community.general.catapult : Send a sms / mms using the catapult bandwidth api
- community.general.circonus_annotation : Create an annotation in circonus
- community.general.cisco_webex : Send a message to a Cisco Webex Teams Room or Individual
- community.general.clc_aa_policy : Create or Delete Anti Affinity Policies at CenturyLink Cloud
- community.general.clc_alert_policy : Create or Delete Alert Policies at CenturyLink Cloud
- community.general.clc_blueprint_package : Deploys a blue print package on a set of servers in CenturyLink Cloud
- community.general.clc_firewall_policy : Create/delete/update firewall policies
- community.general.clc_group : Create/delete Server Groups at Centurylink Cloud
- community.general.clc_loadbalancer : Create, Delete shared loadbalancers in CenturyLink Cloud
- community.general.clc_modify_server : Modify servers in CenturyLink Cloud
- community.general.clc_publicip : Add and Delete public ips on servers in CenturyLink Cloud
- community.general.clc_server : Create, Delete, Start and Stop servers in CenturyLink Cloud
- community.general.clc_server_snapshot : Create, Delete and Restore server snapshots in CenturyLink Cloud
- community.general.cloud_init_data_facts : Retrieve facts of cloud-init
- community.general.cloudflare_dns : Manage Cloudflare DNS records
- community.general.cobbler_sync : Sync Cobbler
- community.general.cobbler_system : Manage system objects in Cobbler
- community.general.composer : Dependency Manager for PHP
- community.general.consul : Add, modify & delete services within a consul cluster
- community.general.consul_acl : Manipulate Consul ACL keys and rules
- community.general.consul_kv : Manipulate entries in the key/value store of a consul cluster
- community.general.consul_session : Manipulate consul sessions
- community.general.copr : Manage one of the Copr repositories
- community.general.cpanm : Manages Perl library dependencies
- community.general.cronvar : Manage variables in crontabs
- community.general.crypttab : Encrypted Linux block devices
- community.general.datadog_downtime : Manages Datadog downtimes
- community.general.datadog_event : Posts events to Datadog service
- community.general.datadog_monitor : Manages Datadog monitors
- community.general.dconf : Modify and read dconf database
- community.general.deploy_helper : Manages some of the steps common in deploying projects
- community.general.dimensiondata_network : Create, update, and delete MCP 1.0 & 2.0 networks
- community.general.dimensiondata_vlan : Manage a VLAN in a Cloud Control network domain
- community.general.discord : Send Discord messages
- community.general.django_manage : Manages a Django application
- community.general.dnf_versionlock : Locks package versions in C(dnf) based systems
- community.general.dnsimple : Interface with (a DNS hosting service)
- community.general.dnsimple_info : Pull basic info from DNSimple API
- community.general.dnsmadeeasy : Interface with (a DNS hosting service)
- community.general.dpkg_divert : Override a debian package’s version of a file
- community.general.easy_install : Installs Python libraries
- community.general.ejabberd_user : Manages users for ejabberd servers
- community.general.elasticsearch_plugin : Manage Elasticsearch plugins
- community.general.emc_vnx_sg_member : Manage storage group member on EMC VNX
- community.general.etcd3 : Set or delete key value pairs from an etcd3 cluster
- community.general.facter : Runs the discovery program I(facter) on the remote system
- community.general.filesize : Create a file with a given size, or resize it if it exists
- community.general.filesystem : Makes a filesystem
- community.general.flatpak : Manage flatpaks
- community.general.flatpak_remote : Manage flatpak repository remotes
- community.general.flowdock : Send a message to a flowdock
- community.general.gandi_livedns : Manage Gandi LiveDNS records
- community.general.gconftool2 : Edit GNOME Configurations
- community.general.gconftool2_info : Retrieve GConf configurations
- community.general.gem : Manage Ruby gems
- community.general.git_config : Read and write git configuration
- community.general.github_deploy_key : Manages deploy keys for GitHub repositories
- community.general.github_issue : View GitHub issue
- community.general.github_key : Manage GitHub access keys
- community.general.github_release : Interact with GitHub Releases
- community.general.github_repo : Manage your repositories on Github
- community.general.github_webhook : Manage GitHub webhooks
- community.general.github_webhook_info : Query information about GitHub webhooks
- community.general.gitlab_branch : Create or delete a branch
- community.general.gitlab_deploy_key : Manages GitLab project deploy keys
- community.general.gitlab_group : Creates/updates/deletes GitLab Groups
- community.general.gitlab_group_members : Manage group members on GitLab Server
- community.general.gitlab_group_variable : Creates, updates, or deletes GitLab groups variables
- community.general.gitlab_hook : Manages GitLab project hooks
- community.general.gitlab_project : Creates/updates/deletes GitLab Projects
- community.general.gitlab_project_badge : Manage project badges on GitLab Server
- community.general.gitlab_project_members : Manage project members on GitLab Server
- community.general.gitlab_project_variable : Creates/updates/deletes GitLab Projects Variables
- community.general.gitlab_protected_branch : Manage protection of existing branches
- community.general.gitlab_runner : Create, modify and delete GitLab Runners
- community.general.gitlab_user : Creates/updates/deletes/blocks/unblocks GitLab Users
- community.general.grove : Sends a notification to a channel
- community.general.gunicorn : Run gunicorn with various settings
- community.general.hana_query : Execute SQL on HANA
- community.general.haproxy : Enable, disable, and set weights for HAProxy backend servers using socket commands
- community.general.heroku_collaborator : Add or delete app collaborators on Heroku
- community.general.hg : Manages Mercurial (hg) repositories
- community.general.hipchat : Send a message to Hipchat
- community.general.homebrew : Package manager for Homebrew
- community.general.homebrew_cask : Install and uninstall homebrew casks
- community.general.homebrew_tap : Tap a Homebrew repository
- community.general.homectl : Manage user accounts with systemd-homed
- community.general.honeybadger_deployment : Notify about app deployments
- community.general.hpilo_boot : Boot system using specific media through HP iLO interface
- community.general.hpilo_info : Gather information through an HP iLO interface
- community.general.hponcfg : Configure HP iLO interface using hponcfg
- community.general.htpasswd : Manage user files for basic authentication
- community.general.hwc_ecs_instance : Creates a resource of Ecs/Instance in Huawei Cloud
- community.general.hwc_evs_disk : Creates a resource of Evs/Disk in Huawei Cloud
- community.general.hwc_network_vpc : Creates a Huawei Cloud VPC
- community.general.hwc_smn_topic : Creates a resource of SMNTopic in Huaweicloud Cloud
- community.general.hwc_vpc_eip : Creates a resource of Vpc/EIP in Huawei Cloud
- community.general.hwc_vpc_peering_connect : Creates a resource of Vpc/PeeringConnect in Huawei Cloud
- community.general.hwc_vpc_port : Creates a resource of Vpc/Port in Huawei Cloud
- community.general.hwc_vpc_private_ip : Creates a resource of Vpc/PrivateIP in Huawei Cloud
- community.general.hwc_vpc_route : Creates a resource of Vpc/Route in Huawei Cloud
- community.general.hwc_vpc_security_group : Creates a resource of Vpc/SecurityGroup in Huawei Cloud
- community.general.hwc_vpc_security_group_rule : Creates a resource of Vpc/SecurityGroupRule in Huawei Cloud
- community.general.hwc_vpc_subnet : Creates a resource of Vpc/Subnet in Huawei Cloud
- community.general.ibm_sa_domain : Manages domains on IBM Spectrum Accelerate Family storage systems
- community.general.ibm_sa_host : Adds hosts to or removes them from IBM Spectrum Accelerate Family storage systems
- community.general.ibm_sa_host_ports : Add host ports on IBM Spectrum Accelerate Family storage systems
- community.general.ibm_sa_pool : Handles pools on IBM Spectrum Accelerate Family storage systems
- community.general.ibm_sa_vol : Handle volumes on IBM Spectrum Accelerate Family storage systems
- community.general.ibm_sa_vol_map : Handles volume mapping on IBM Spectrum Accelerate Family storage systems
- community.general.icinga2_feature : Manage Icinga2 feature
- community.general.icinga2_host : Manage a host in Icinga2
- community.general.idrac_redfish_command : Manages Out-Of-Band controllers using iDRAC OEM Redfish APIs
- community.general.idrac_redfish_config : Manages servers through iDRAC using Dell Redfish APIs
- community.general.idrac_redfish_info : Gather PowerEdge server information through iDRAC using Redfish APIs
- community.general.ilo_redfish_config : Sets or updates configuration attributes on HPE iLO with Redfish OEM extensions
- community.general.ilo_redfish_info : Gathers server information through iLO using Redfish APIs
- community.general.imc_rest : Manage Cisco IMC hardware through its REST API
- community.general.imgadm : Manage SmartOS images
- community.general.infinity : Manage Infinity IPAM using Rest API
- community.general.influxdb_database : Manage InfluxDB databases
- community.general.influxdb_query : Query data points from InfluxDB
- community.general.influxdb_retention_policy : Manage InfluxDB retention policies
- community.general.influxdb_user : Manage InfluxDB users
- community.general.influxdb_write : Write data points into InfluxDB
- community.general.ini_file : Tweak settings in INI files
- community.general.installp : Manage packages on AIX
- community.general.interfaces_file : Tweak settings in /etc/network/interfaces files
- community.general.ip_netns : Manage network namespaces
- community.general.ipa_config : Manage Global FreeIPA Configuration Settings
- community.general.ipa_dnsrecord : Manage FreeIPA DNS records
- community.general.ipa_dnszone : Manage FreeIPA DNS Zones
- community.general.ipa_group : Manage FreeIPA group
- community.general.ipa_hbacrule : Manage FreeIPA HBAC rule
- community.general.ipa_host : Manage FreeIPA host
- community.general.ipa_hostgroup : Manage FreeIPA host-group
- community.general.ipa_otpconfig : Manage FreeIPA OTP Configuration Settings
- community.general.ipa_otptoken : Manage FreeIPA OTPs
- community.general.ipa_pwpolicy : Manage FreeIPA password policies
- community.general.ipa_role : Manage FreeIPA role
- community.general.ipa_service : Manage FreeIPA service
- community.general.ipa_subca : Manage FreeIPA Lightweight Sub Certificate Authorities
- community.general.ipa_sudocmd : Manage FreeIPA sudo command
- community.general.ipa_sudocmdgroup : Manage FreeIPA sudo command group
- community.general.ipa_sudorule : Manage FreeIPA sudo rule
- community.general.ipa_user : Manage FreeIPA users
- community.general.ipa_vault : Manage FreeIPA vaults
- community.general.ipify_facts : Retrieve the public IP of your internet gateway
- community.general.ipinfoio_facts : Retrieve IP geolocation facts of a host’s IP address
- community.general.ipmi_boot : Management of order of boot devices
- community.general.ipmi_power : Power management for machine
- community.general.iptables_state : Save iptables state into a file or restore it from a file
- community.general.ipwcli_dns : Manage DNS Records for Ericsson IPWorks via ipwcli
- community.general.irc : Send a message to an IRC channel or a nick
- community.general.iso_create : Generate ISO file with specified files or folders
- community.general.iso_customize : Add/remove/change files in ISO file
- community.general.iso_extract : Extract files from an ISO image
- community.general.jabber : Send a message to jabber user or chat room
- community.general.java_cert : Uses keytool to import/remove certificate to/from java keystore (cacerts)
- community.general.java_keystore : Create a Java keystore in JKS format
- community.general.jboss : Deploy applications to JBoss
- community.general.jenkins_build : Manage jenkins builds
- community.general.jenkins_job : Manage jenkins jobs
- community.general.jenkins_job_info : Get information about Jenkins jobs
- community.general.jenkins_plugin : Add or remove Jenkins plugin
- community.general.jenkins_script : Executes a groovy script in the jenkins instance
- community.general.jira : Create and modify issues in a JIRA instance
- community.general.kernel_blacklist : Blacklist kernel modules
- community.general.keycloak_authentication : Configure authentication in Keycloak
- community.general.keycloak_client : Allows administration of Keycloak clients via Keycloak API
- community.general.keycloak_client_rolemapping : Allows administration of Keycloak client_rolemapping with the Keycloak API
- community.general.keycloak_clientscope : Allows administration of Keycloak client_scopes via Keycloak API
- community.general.keycloak_clientsecret_info : Retrieve client secret via Keycloak API
- community.general.keycloak_clientsecret_regenerate : Regenerate Keycloak client secret via Keycloak API
- community.general.keycloak_clienttemplate : Allows administration of Keycloak client templates via Keycloak API
- community.general.keycloak_group : Allows administration of Keycloak groups via Keycloak API
- community.general.keycloak_identity_provider : Allows administration of Keycloak identity providers via Keycloak API
- community.general.keycloak_realm : Allows administration of Keycloak realm via Keycloak API
- community.general.keycloak_realm_info : Allows obtaining Keycloak realm public information via Keycloak API
- community.general.keycloak_role : Allows administration of Keycloak roles via Keycloak API
- community.general.keycloak_user_federation : Allows administration of Keycloak user federations via Keycloak API
- community.general.keycloak_user_rolemapping : Allows administration of Keycloak user_rolemapping with the Keycloak API
- community.general.keyring : Set or delete a passphrase using the Operating System’s native keyring
- community.general.keyring_info : Get a passphrase using the Operating System’s native keyring
- community.general.kibana_plugin : Manage Kibana plugins
- community.general.launchd : Manage macOS services
- community.general.layman : Manage Gentoo overlays
- community.general.lbu : Local Backup Utility for Alpine Linux
- community.general.ldap_attrs : Add or remove multiple LDAP attribute values
- community.general.ldap_entry : Add or remove LDAP entries
- community.general.ldap_passwd : Set passwords in LDAP
- community.general.ldap_search : Search for entries in a LDAP server
- community.general.librato_annotation : Create an annotation in librato
- community.general.linode : Manage instances on the Linode Public Cloud
- community.general.linode_v4 : Manage instances on the Linode cloud
- community.general.listen_ports_facts : Gather facts on processes listening on TCP and UDP ports
- community.general.lldp : Get details reported by lldp
- community.general.locale_gen : Creates or removes locales
- community.general.logentries : Module for tracking logs via
- community.general.logentries_msg : Send a message to logentries
- community.general.logstash_plugin : Manage Logstash plugins
- community.general.lvg : Configure LVM volume groups
- community.general.lvol : Configure LVM logical volumes
- community.general.lxc_container : Manage LXC Containers
- community.general.lxca_cmms : Custom module for lxca cmms inventory utility
- community.general.lxca_nodes : Custom module for lxca nodes inventory utility
- community.general.lxd_container : Manage LXD instances
- community.general.lxd_profile : Manage LXD profiles
- community.general.lxd_project : Manage LXD projects
- community.general.macports : Package manager for MacPorts
- community.general.mail : Send an email
- community.general.make : Run targets in a Makefile
- community.general.manageiq_alert_profiles : Configuration of alert profiles for ManageIQ
- community.general.manageiq_alerts : Configuration of alerts in ManageIQ
- community.general.manageiq_group : Management of groups in ManageIQ
- community.general.manageiq_policies : Management of resource policy_profiles in ManageIQ
- community.general.manageiq_policies_info : Listing of resource policy_profiles in ManageIQ
- community.general.manageiq_provider : Management of provider in ManageIQ
- community.general.manageiq_tags : Management of resource tags in ManageIQ
- community.general.manageiq_tags_info : Retrieve resource tags in ManageIQ
- community.general.manageiq_tenant : Management of tenants in ManageIQ
- community.general.manageiq_user : Management of users in ManageIQ
- community.general.mas : Manage Mac App Store applications with mas-cli
- community.general.matrix : Send notifications to matrix
- community.general.mattermost : Send Mattermost notifications
- community.general.maven_artifact : Downloads an Artifact from a Maven Repository
- community.general.memset_dns_reload : Request reload of Memset’s DNS infrastructure,
- community.general.memset_memstore_info : Retrieve Memstore product usage information
- community.general.memset_server_info : Retrieve server information
- community.general.memset_zone : Creates and deletes Memset DNS zones
- community.general.memset_zone_domain : Create and delete domains in Memset DNS zones
- community.general.memset_zone_record : Create and delete records in Memset DNS zones
- community.general.mksysb : Generates AIX mksysb rootvg backups
- community.general.modprobe : Load or unload kernel modules
- community.general.monit : Manage the state of a program monitored via Monit
- community.general.mqtt : Publish a message on an MQTT topic for the IoT
- community.general.mssql_db : Add or remove MSSQL databases from a remote host
- community.general.mssql_script : Execute SQL scripts on a MSSQL database
- community.general.nagios : Perform common tasks in Nagios related to downtime and notifications
- community.general.netcup_dns : Manage Netcup DNS records
- community.general.newrelic_deployment : Notify New Relic about app deployments
- community.general.nexmo : Send a SMS via nexmo
- community.general.nginx_status_info : Retrieve information on nginx status
- community.general.nictagadm : Manage nic tags on SmartOS systems
- community.general.nmcli : Manage Networking
- community.general.nomad_job : Launch a Nomad Job
- community.general.nomad_job_info : Get Nomad Jobs info
- community.general.nosh : Manage services with nosh
- community.general.npm : Manage node.js packages with npm
- community.general.nsupdate : Manage DNS records
- community.general.ocapi_info : Manages Out-Of-Band controllers using Open Composable API (OCAPI)
- community.general.oci_vcn : Manage Virtual Cloud Networks(VCN) in OCI
- community.general.odbc : Execute SQL via ODBC
- community.general.office_365_connector_card : Use webhooks to create Connector Card messages within an Office 365 group
- community.general.ohai : Returns inventory data from I(Ohai)
- community.general.omapi_host : Setup OMAPI hosts
- community.general.one_host : Manages OpenNebula Hosts
- community.general.one_image : Manages OpenNebula images
- community.general.one_image_info : Gather information on OpenNebula images
- community.general.one_service : Deploy and manage OpenNebula services
- community.general.one_template : Manages OpenNebula templates
- community.general.one_vm : Creates or terminates OpenNebula instances
- community.general.oneandone_firewall_policy : Configure 1&1 firewall policy
- community.general.oneandone_load_balancer : Configure 1&1 load balancer
- community.general.oneandone_monitoring_policy : Configure 1&1 monitoring policy
- community.general.oneandone_private_network : Configure 1&1 private networking
- community.general.oneandone_public_ip : Configure 1&1 public IPs
- community.general.oneandone_server : Create, destroy, start, stop, and reboot a 1&1 Host server
- community.general.onepassword_info : Gather items from 1Password
- community.general.oneview_datacenter_info : Retrieve information about the OneView Data Centers
- community.general.oneview_enclosure_info : Retrieve information about one or more Enclosures
- community.general.oneview_ethernet_network : Manage OneView Ethernet Network resources
- community.general.oneview_ethernet_network_info : Retrieve the information about one or more of the OneView Ethernet Networks
- community.general.oneview_fc_network : Manage OneView Fibre Channel Network resources
- community.general.oneview_fc_network_info : Retrieve the information about one or more of the OneView Fibre Channel Networks
- community.general.oneview_fcoe_network : Manage OneView FCoE Network resources
- community.general.oneview_fcoe_network_info : Retrieve the information about one or more of the OneView FCoE Networks
- community.general.oneview_logical_interconnect_group : Manage OneView Logical Interconnect Group resources
- community.general.oneview_logical_interconnect_group_info : Retrieve information about one or more of the OneView Logical Interconnect Groups
- community.general.oneview_network_set : Manage HPE OneView Network Set resources
- community.general.oneview_network_set_info : Retrieve information about the OneView Network Sets
- community.general.oneview_san_manager : Manage OneView SAN Manager resources
- community.general.oneview_san_manager_info : Retrieve information about one or more of the OneView SAN Managers
- community.general.online_server_info : Gather information about Online servers
- community.general.online_user_info : Gather information about Online user
- community.general.open_iscsi : Manage iSCSI targets with Open-iSCSI
- community.general.openbsd_pkg : Manage packages on OpenBSD
- community.general.opendj_backendprop : Will update the backend configuration of OpenDJ via the dsconfig set-backend-prop command
- community.general.openwrt_init : Manage services on OpenWrt
- community.general.opkg : Package manager for OpenWrt and Openembedded/Yocto based Linux distributions
- community.general.osx_defaults : Manage macOS user defaults
- community.general.ovh_ip_failover : Manage OVH IP failover address
- community.general.ovh_ip_loadbalancing_backend : Manage OVH IP LoadBalancing backends
- community.general.ovh_monthly_billing : Manage OVH monthly billing
- community.general.pacemaker_cluster : Manage pacemaker clusters
- community.general.packet_device : Manage a bare metal server in the Packet Host
- community.general.packet_ip_subnet : Assign IP subnet to a bare metal server
- community.general.packet_project : Create/delete a project in Packet host
- community.general.packet_sshkey : Create/delete an SSH key in Packet host
- community.general.packet_volume : Create/delete a volume in Packet host
- community.general.packet_volume_attachment : Attach/detach a volume to a device in the Packet host
- community.general.pacman : Manage packages with I(pacman)
- community.general.pacman_key : Manage pacman’s list of trusted keys
- community.general.pagerduty : Create PagerDuty maintenance windows
- community.general.pagerduty_alert : Trigger, acknowledge or resolve PagerDuty incidents
- community.general.pagerduty_change : Track a code or infrastructure change as a PagerDuty change event
- community.general.pagerduty_user : Manage a user account on PagerDuty
- community.general.pam_limits : Modify Linux PAM limits
- community.general.pamd : Manage PAM Modules
- community.general.parted : Configure block device partitions
- community.general.pear : Manage pear/pecl packages
- community.general.pids : Retrieves process IDs list if the process is running otherwise return empty list
- community.general.pingdom : Pause/unpause Pingdom alerts
- community.general.pip_package_info : Pip package information
- community.general.pipx : Manages applications installed with pipx
- community.general.pipx_info : Rretrieves information about applications installed with pipx
- community.general.pkg5 : Manages packages with the Solaris 11 Image Packaging System
- community.general.pkg5_publisher : Manages Solaris 11 Image Packaging System publishers
- community.general.pkgin : Package manager for SmartOS, NetBSD et al
- community.general.pkgng : Package manager for FreeBSD >= 9.0
- community.general.pkgutil : OpenCSW package management on Solaris
- community.general.pmem : Configure Intel Optane Persistent Memory modules
- community.general.portage : Package manager for Gentoo
- community.general.portinstall : Installing packages from FreeBSD’s ports system
- community.general.pritunl_org : Manages Pritunl Organizations using the Pritunl API
- community.general.pritunl_org_info : List Pritunl Organizations using the Pritunl API
- community.general.pritunl_user : Manage Pritunl Users using the Pritunl API
- community.general.pritunl_user_info : List Pritunl Users using the Pritunl API
- community.general.profitbricks : Create, destroy, start, stop, and reboot a ProfitBricks virtual machine
- community.general.profitbricks_datacenter : Create or destroy a ProfitBricks Virtual Datacenter
- community.general.profitbricks_nic : Create or Remove a NIC
- community.general.profitbricks_volume : Create or destroy a volume
- community.general.profitbricks_volume_attachments : Attach or detach a volume
- community.general.proxmox : Management of instances in Proxmox VE cluster
- community.general.proxmox_disk : Management of a disk of a Qemu(KVM) VM in a Proxmox VE cluster
- community.general.proxmox_domain_info : Retrieve information about one or more Proxmox VE domains
- community.general.proxmox_group_info : Retrieve information about one or more Proxmox VE groups
- community.general.proxmox_kvm : Management of Qemu(KVM) Virtual Machines in Proxmox VE cluster
- community.general.proxmox_nic : Management of a NIC of a Qemu(KVM) VM in a Proxmox VE cluster
- community.general.proxmox_snap : Snapshot management of instances in Proxmox VE cluster
- community.general.proxmox_storage_info : Retrieve information about one or more Proxmox VE storages
- community.general.proxmox_tasks_info : Retrieve information about one or more Proxmox VE tasks
- community.general.proxmox_template : Management of OS templates in Proxmox VE cluster
- community.general.proxmox_user_info : Retrieve information about one or more Proxmox VE users
- community.general.pubnub_blocks : PubNub blocks management module
- community.general.pulp_repo : Add or remove Pulp repos from a remote host
- community.general.puppet : Runs puppet
- community.general.pushbullet : Sends notifications to Pushbullet
- community.general.pushover : Send notifications via U( ↗)
- community.general.python_requirements_info : Show python path and assert dependency versions
- community.general.rax : Create / delete an instance in Rackspace Public Cloud
- community.general.rax_cbs : Manipulate Rackspace Cloud Block Storage Volumes
- community.general.rax_cbs_attachments : Manipulate Rackspace Cloud Block Storage Volume Attachments
- community.general.rax_cdb : Create/delete or resize a Rackspace Cloud Databases instance
- community.general.rax_cdb_database : Create / delete a database in the Cloud Databases
- community.general.rax_cdb_user : Create / delete a Rackspace Cloud Database
- community.general.rax_clb : Create / delete a load balancer in Rackspace Public Cloud
- community.general.rax_clb_nodes : Add, modify and remove nodes from a Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer
- community.general.rax_clb_ssl : Manage SSL termination for a Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer
- community.general.rax_dns : Manage domains on Rackspace Cloud DNS
- community.general.rax_dns_record : Manage DNS records on Rackspace Cloud DNS
- community.general.rax_facts : Gather facts for Rackspace Cloud Servers
- community.general.rax_files : Manipulate Rackspace Cloud Files Containers
- community.general.rax_files_objects : Upload, download, and delete objects in Rackspace Cloud Files
- community.general.rax_identity : Load Rackspace Cloud Identity
- community.general.rax_keypair : Create a keypair for use with Rackspace Cloud Servers
- community.general.rax_meta : Manipulate metadata for Rackspace Cloud Servers
- community.general.rax_mon_alarm : Create or delete a Rackspace Cloud Monitoring alarm
- community.general.rax_mon_check : Create or delete a Rackspace Cloud Monitoring check for an existing entity.
- community.general.rax_mon_entity : Create or delete a Rackspace Cloud Monitoring entity
- community.general.rax_mon_notification : Create or delete a Rackspace Cloud Monitoring notification
- community.general.rax_mon_notification_plan : Create or delete a Rackspace Cloud Monitoring notification plan.
- community.general.rax_network : Create / delete an isolated network in Rackspace Public Cloud
- community.general.rax_queue : Create / delete a queue in Rackspace Public Cloud
- community.general.rax_scaling_group : Manipulate Rackspace Cloud Autoscale Groups
- community.general.rax_scaling_policy : Manipulate Rackspace Cloud Autoscale Scaling Policy
- community.general.read_csv : Read a CSV file
- community.general.redfish_info : Manages Out-Of-Band controllers using Redfish APIs
- community.general.redhat_subscription : Manage registration and subscriptions to RHSM using the C(subscription-manager) command
- community.general.redis : Various redis commands, replica and flush
- community.general.redis_data : Set key value pairs in Redis
- community.general.redis_data_incr : Increment keys in Redis
- community.general.redis_data_info : Get value of key in Redis database
- community.general.redis_info : Gather information about Redis servers
- community.general.rhevm : RHEV/oVirt automation
- community.general.rhn_channel : Adds or removes Red Hat software channels
- community.general.rhn_register : Manage Red Hat Network registration using the C(rhnreg_ks) command
- community.general.rhsm_release : Set or Unset RHSM Release version
- community.general.rhsm_repository : Manage RHSM repositories using the subscription-manager command
- community.general.riak : This module handles some common Riak operations
- community.general.rocketchat : Send notifications to Rocket Chat
- community.general.rollbar_deployment : Notify Rollbar about app deployments
- community.general.rpm_ostree_pkg : Install or uninstall overlay additional packages
- community.general.rundeck_acl_policy : Manage Rundeck ACL policies
- community.general.rundeck_job_executions_info : Query executions for a Rundeck job
- community.general.rundeck_job_run : Run a Rundeck job
- community.general.rundeck_project : Manage Rundeck projects
- community.general.runit : Manage runit services
- community.general.sap_task_list_execute : Perform SAP Task list execution
- community.general.sapcar_extract : Manages SAP SAPCAR archives
- community.general.say : Makes a computer to speak
- community.general.scaleway_compute : Scaleway compute management module
- community.general.scaleway_compute_private_network : Scaleway compute - private network management
- community.general.scaleway_container : Scaleway Container management
- community.general.scaleway_container_info : Retrieve information on Scaleway Container
- community.general.scaleway_container_namespace : Scaleway Container namespace management
- community.general.scaleway_container_namespace_info : Retrieve information on Scaleway Container namespace
- community.general.scaleway_container_registry : Scaleway Container registry management module
- community.general.scaleway_container_registry_info : Scaleway Container registry info module
- community.general.scaleway_database_backup : Scaleway database backups management module
- community.general.scaleway_function : Scaleway Function management
- community.general.scaleway_function_info : Retrieve information on Scaleway Function
- community.general.scaleway_function_namespace : Scaleway Function namespace management
- community.general.scaleway_function_namespace_info : Retrieve information on Scaleway Function namespace
- community.general.scaleway_image_info : Gather information about the Scaleway images available
- community.general.scaleway_ip : Scaleway IP management module
- community.general.scaleway_ip_info : Gather information about the Scaleway ips available
- community.general.scaleway_lb : Scaleway load-balancer management module
- community.general.scaleway_organization_info : Gather information about the Scaleway organizations available
- community.general.scaleway_private_network : Scaleway private network management
- community.general.scaleway_security_group : Scaleway Security Group management module
- community.general.scaleway_security_group_info : Gather information about the Scaleway security groups available
- community.general.scaleway_security_group_rule : Scaleway Security Group Rule management module
- community.general.scaleway_server_info : Gather information about the Scaleway servers available
- community.general.scaleway_snapshot_info : Gather information about the Scaleway snapshots available
- community.general.scaleway_sshkey : Scaleway SSH keys management module
- community.general.scaleway_user_data : Scaleway user_data management module
- community.general.scaleway_volume : Scaleway volumes management module
- community.general.scaleway_volume_info : Gather information about the Scaleway volumes available
- community.general.sefcontext : Manages SELinux file context mapping definitions
- community.general.selinux_permissive : Change permissive domain in SELinux policy
- community.general.selogin : Manages linux user to SELinux user mapping
- community.general.sendgrid : Sends an email with the SendGrid API
- community.general.sensu_check : Manage Sensu checks
- community.general.sensu_client : Manages Sensu client configuration
- community.general.sensu_handler : Manages Sensu handler configuration
- community.general.sensu_silence : Manage Sensu silence entries
- community.general.sensu_subscription : Manage Sensu subscriptions
- community.general.seport : Manages SELinux network port type definitions
- community.general.serverless : Manages a Serverless Framework project
- community.general.shutdown : Shut down a machine
- community.general.sl_vm : Create or cancel a virtual instance in SoftLayer
- community.general.slack : Send Slack notifications
- community.general.slackpkg : Package manager for Slackware >= 12.2
- community.general.smartos_image_info : Get SmartOS image details
- community.general.snap : Manages snaps
- community.general.snap_alias : Manages snap aliases
- community.general.snmp_facts : Retrieve facts for a device using SNMP
- community.general.solaris_zone : Manage Solaris zones
- community.general.sorcery : Package manager for Source Mage GNU/Linux
- community.general.spectrum_device : Creates/deletes devices in CA Spectrum
- community.general.spectrum_model_attrs : Enforce a model’s attributes in CA Spectrum
- community.general.spotinst_aws_elastigroup : Create, update or delete Spotinst AWS Elastigroups
- community.general.ss_3par_cpg : Manage HPE StoreServ 3PAR CPG
- community.general.ssh_config : Manage SSH config for user
- community.general.stackdriver : Send code deploy and annotation events to stackdriver
- community.general.stacki_host : Add or remove host to stacki front-end
- community.general.statsd : Send metrics to StatsD
- community.general.statusio_maintenance : Create maintenance windows for your dashboard
- community.general.sudoers : Manage sudoers files
- community.general.supervisorctl : Manage the state of a program or group of programs running via supervisord
- community.general.svc : Manage daemontools services
- community.general.svr4pkg : Manage Solaris SVR4 packages
- community.general.swdepot : Manage packages with swdepot package manager (HP-UX)
- community.general.swupd : Manages updates and bundles in ClearLinux systems
- community.general.syslogger : Log messages in the syslog
- community.general.syspatch : Manage OpenBSD system patches
- community.general.sysrc : Manage FreeBSD using sysrc
- community.general.sysupgrade : Manage OpenBSD system upgrades
- community.general.taiga_issue : Creates/deletes an issue in a Taiga Project Management Platform
- community.general.telegram : Send notifications via telegram
- community.general.terraform : Manages a Terraform deployment (and plans)
- community.general.timezone : Configure timezone setting
- community.general.twilio : Sends a text message to a mobile phone through Twilio
- community.general.typetalk : Send a message to typetalk
- community.general.udm_dns_record : Manage dns entries on a univention corporate server
- community.general.udm_dns_zone : Manage dns zones on a univention corporate server
- community.general.udm_group : Manage of the posix group
- community.general.udm_share : Manage samba shares on a univention corporate server
- community.general.udm_user : Manage posix users on a univention corporate server
- community.general.ufw : Manage firewall with ufw
- community.general.uptimerobot : Pause and start Uptime Robot monitoring
- community.general.urpmi : Urpmi manager
- community.general.utm_aaa_group : Create, update or destroy an aaa group object in Sophos UTM
- community.general.utm_aaa_group_info : Get info for reverse_proxy frontend entry in Sophos UTM
- community.general.utm_ca_host_key_cert : Create, update or destroy ca host_key_cert entry in Sophos UTM
- community.general.utm_ca_host_key_cert_info : Get info for a ca host_key_cert entry in Sophos UTM
- community.general.utm_dns_host : Create, update or destroy dns entry in Sophos UTM
- community.general.utm_network_interface_address : Create, update or destroy network/interface_address object
- community.general.utm_network_interface_address_info : Get info for a network/interface_address object
- community.general.utm_proxy_auth_profile : Create, update or destroy reverse_proxy auth_profile entry in Sophos UTM
- community.general.utm_proxy_exception : Create, update or destroy reverse_proxy exception entry in Sophos UTM
- community.general.utm_proxy_frontend_info : Create, update or destroy reverse_proxy frontend entry in Sophos UTM
- community.general.utm_proxy_location_info : Create, update or destroy reverse_proxy location entry in Sophos UTM
- community.general.vdo : Module to control VDO
- community.general.vertica_configuration : Updates Vertica configuration parameters
- community.general.vertica_info : Gathers Vertica database facts
- community.general.vertica_role : Adds or removes Vertica database roles and assigns roles to them
- community.general.vertica_schema : Adds or removes Vertica database schema and roles
- community.general.vertica_user : Adds or removes Vertica database users and assigns roles
- community.general.vexata_eg : Manage export groups on Vexata VX100 storage arrays
- community.general.vexata_volume : Manage volumes on Vexata VX100 storage arrays
- community.general.vmadm : Manage SmartOS virtual machines and zones
- community.general.wakeonlan : Send a magic Wake-on-LAN (WoL) broadcast packet
- community.general.wdc_redfish_info : Manages WDC UltraStar Data102 Out-Of-Band controllers using Redfish APIs
- community.general.webfaction_app : Add or remove applications on a Webfaction host
- community.general.webfaction_db : Add or remove a database on Webfaction
- community.general.webfaction_domain : Add or remove domains and subdomains on Webfaction
- community.general.webfaction_mailbox : Add or remove mailboxes on Webfaction
- community.general.webfaction_site : Add or remove a website on a Webfaction host
- community.general.xattr : Manage user defined extended attributes
- community.general.xbps : Manage packages with XBPS
- community.general.xcc_redfish_command : Manages Lenovo Out-Of-Band controllers using Redfish APIs
- community.general.xenserver_facts : Get facts reported on xenserver
- community.general.xenserver_guest : Manages virtual machines running on Citrix Hypervisor/XenServer host or pool
- community.general.xenserver_guest_info : Gathers information for virtual machines running on Citrix Hypervisor/XenServer host or pool
- community.general.xenserver_guest_powerstate : Manages power states of virtual machines running on Citrix Hypervisor/XenServer host or pool
- community.general.xfconf : Edit XFCE4 Configurations
- community.general.xfconf_info : Retrieve XFCE4 configurations
- community.general.xfs_quota : Manage quotas on XFS filesystems
- community.general.xml : Manage bits and pieces of XML files or strings
- community.general.yarn : Manage node.js packages with Yarn
- community.general.yum_versionlock : Locks / unlocks a installed package(s) from being updated by yum package manager
- community.general.zfs : Manage zfs
- community.general.zfs_delegate_admin : Manage ZFS delegated administration (user admin privileges)
- community.general.zfs_facts : Gather facts about ZFS datasets
- community.general.znode : Create, delete, retrieve, and update znodes using ZooKeeper
- community.general.zpool_facts : Gather facts about ZFS pools
- community.general.zypper : Manage packages on SUSE and openSUSE
- community.general.zypper_repository : Add and remove Zypper repositories
- community.crypto.acme_account : Create, modify or delete ACME accounts
- community.crypto.acme_account_info : Retrieves information on ACME accounts
- community.crypto.acme_certificate : Create SSL/TLS certificates with the ACME protocol
- community.crypto.acme_certificate_revoke : Revoke certificates with the ACME protocol
- community.crypto.acme_challenge_cert_helper : Prepare certificates required for ACME challenges such as C(tls-alpn-01)
- community.crypto.acme_inspect : Send direct requests to an ACME server
- community.crypto.certificate_complete_chain : Complete certificate chain given a set of untrusted and root certificates
- community.crypto.crypto_info : Retrieve cryptographic capabilities
- community.crypto.ecs_certificate : Request SSL/TLS certificates with the Entrust Certificate Services (ECS) API
- community.crypto.ecs_domain : Request validation of a domain with the Entrust Certificate Services (ECS) API
- community.crypto.get_certificate : Get a certificate from a host:port
- community.crypto.luks_device : Manage encrypted (LUKS) devices
- community.crypto.openssh_cert : Generate OpenSSH host or user certificates.
- community.crypto.openssh_keypair : Generate OpenSSH private and public keys
- community.crypto.openssl_csr_pipe : Generate OpenSSL Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
- community.crypto.openssl_csr_info : Provide information of OpenSSL Certificate Signing Requests (CSR)
- community.crypto.openssl_dhparam : Generate OpenSSL Diffie-Hellman Parameters
- community.crypto.openssl_pkcs12 : Generate OpenSSL PKCS#12 archive
- community.crypto.openssl_privatekey : Generate OpenSSL private keys
- community.crypto.openssl_privatekey_convert : Convert OpenSSL private keys
- community.crypto.openssl_privatekey_info : Provide information for OpenSSL private keys
- community.crypto.openssl_privatekey_pipe : Generate OpenSSL private keys without disk access
- community.crypto.openssl_publickey : Generate an OpenSSL public key from its private key.
- community.crypto.openssl_publickey_info : Provide information for OpenSSL public keys
- community.crypto.openssl_signature : Sign data with openssl
- community.crypto.openssl_signature_info : Verify signatures with openssl
- community.crypto.x509_certificate_pipe : Generate and/or check OpenSSL certificates
- community.crypto.x509_certificate_info : Provide information of OpenSSL X.509 certificates
- community.crypto.x509_crl : Generate Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs)
- community.crypto.x509_crl_info : Retrieve information on Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs)
- community.docker.current_container_facts : Return facts about whether the module runs in a container
- community.docker.docker_compose : Manage multi-container Docker applications with Docker Compose.
- community.docker.docker_config : Manage docker configs.
- community.docker.docker_container : manage Docker containers
- community.docker.docker_container_copy_into : Copy a file into a Docker container
- community.docker.docker_container_exec : Execute command in a docker container
- community.docker.docker_container_info : Retrieves facts about docker container
- community.docker.docker_host_info : Retrieves facts about docker host and lists of objects of the services.
- community.docker.docker_image : Manage docker images
- community.docker.docker_image_info : Inspect docker images
- community.docker.docker_image_load : Load docker image(s) from archives
- community.docker.docker_login : Log into a Docker registry.
- community.docker.docker_network : Manage Docker networks
- community.docker.docker_network_info : Retrieves facts about docker network
- community.docker.docker_node : Manage Docker Swarm node
- community.docker.docker_node_info : Retrieves facts about docker swarm node from Swarm Manager
- community.docker.docker_plugin : Manage Docker plugins
- community.docker.docker_prune : Allows to prune various docker objects
- community.docker.docker_secret : Manage docker secrets.
- community.docker.docker_stack : docker stack module
- community.docker.docker_stack_info : Return information on a docker stack
- community.docker.docker_stack_task_info : Return information of the tasks on a docker stack
- community.docker.docker_swarm : Manage Swarm cluster
- community.docker.docker_swarm_info : Retrieves facts about Docker Swarm cluster.
- community.docker.docker_swarm_service : docker swarm service
- community.docker.docker_swarm_service_info : Retrieves information about docker services from a Swarm Manager
- community.docker.docker_volume : Manage Docker volumes
- community.docker.docker_volume_info : Retrieve facts about Docker volumes
- kubernetes.core.helm : Manages Kubernetes packages with the Helm package manager
- kubernetes.core.helm_info : Get information from Helm package deployed inside the cluster
- kubernetes.core.helm_plugin : Manage Helm plugins
- kubernetes.core.helm_plugin_info : Gather information about Helm plugins
- kubernetes.core.helm_pull : download a chart from a repository and (optionally) unpack it in local directory.
- kubernetes.core.helm_repository : Manage Helm repositories.
- kubernetes.core.helm_template : Render chart templates
- kubernetes.core.k8s : Manage Kubernetes (K8s) objects
- kubernetes.core.k8s_cluster_info : Describe Kubernetes (K8s) cluster, APIs available and their respective versions
- kubernetes.core.k8s_cp : Copy files and directories to and from pod.
- kubernetes.core.k8s_drain : Drain, Cordon, or Uncordon node in k8s cluster
- kubernetes.core.k8s_exec : Execute command in Pod
- kubernetes.core.k8s_info : Describe Kubernetes (K8s) objects
- kubernetes.core.k8s_json_patch : Apply JSON patch operations to existing objects
- kubernetes.core.k8s_log : Fetch logs from Kubernetes resources
- kubernetes.core.k8s_rollback : Rollback Kubernetes (K8S) Deployments and DaemonSets
- kubernetes.core.k8s_scale : Set a new size for a Deployment, ReplicaSet, Replication Controller, or Job.
- kubernetes.core.k8s_service : Manage Services on Kubernetes
- kubernetes.core.k8s_taint : Taint a node in a Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster
- community.mysql.mysql_db : Add or remove MySQL databases from a remote host
- community.mysql.mysql_info : Gather information about MySQL servers
- community.mysql.mysql_query : Run MySQL queries
- community.mysql.mysql_replication : Manage MySQL replication
- community.mysql.mysql_role : Adds, removes, or updates a MySQL role
- community.mysql.mysql_user : Adds or removes a user from a MySQL database
- community.mysql.mysql_variables : Manage MySQL global variables
- community.postgresql.postgresql_copy : Copy data between a file/program and a PostgreSQL table
- community.postgresql.postgresql_db : Add or remove PostgreSQL databases from a remote host
- community.postgresql.postgresql_ext : Add or remove PostgreSQL extensions from a database
- community.postgresql.postgresql_idx : Create or drop indexes from a PostgreSQL database
- community.postgresql.postgresql_info : Gather information about PostgreSQL servers
- community.postgresql.postgresql_lang : Adds, removes or changes procedural languages with a PostgreSQL database
- community.postgresql.postgresql_membership : Add or remove PostgreSQL roles from groups
- community.postgresql.postgresql_owner : Change an owner of PostgreSQL database object
- community.postgresql.postgresql_pg_hba : Add, remove or modify a rule in a pg_hba file
- community.postgresql.postgresql_ping : Check remote PostgreSQL server availability
- community.postgresql.postgresql_privs : Grant or revoke privileges on PostgreSQL database objects
- community.postgresql.postgresql_publication : Add, update, or remove PostgreSQL publication
- community.postgresql.postgresql_query : Run PostgreSQL queries
- community.postgresql.postgresql_schema : Add or remove PostgreSQL schema
- community.postgresql.postgresql_script : Run PostgreSQL statements from a file
- community.postgresql.postgresql_sequence : Create, drop, or alter a PostgreSQL sequence
- community.postgresql.postgresql_set : Change a PostgreSQL server configuration parameter
- community.postgresql.postgresql_slot : Add or remove replication slots from a PostgreSQL database
- community.postgresql.postgresql_subscription : Add, update, or remove PostgreSQL subscription
- community.postgresql.postgresql_table : Create, drop, or modify a PostgreSQL table
- community.postgresql.postgresql_tablespace : Add or remove PostgreSQL tablespaces from remote hosts
- community.postgresql.postgresql_user : Create, alter, or remove a user (role) from a PostgreSQL server instance
- community.postgresql.postgresql_user_obj_stat_info : Gather statistics about PostgreSQL user objects